Electric vehicles, or EVs, are booming. Thanks to leading names in the industry such as Elon Musk and Tesla, many motorists are swaying away from gas. However, there’s always going to be the need to charge your EV from drive to drive. What are EV startups doing to help bring innovations to the fore?
EVs are rolling out all over the world. Some governments have proposed even scrapping gas cars altogether by 2030. It is a big target to hit, and for EV to really take off in the mainstream, we all need charging points. While it will be possible to charge EVs at home, what happens if you are caught low on charge mid-drive?
That, ultimately, is where startups are striving to make a difference. Statistics show that, by 2030, US drivers could need as much as 175 terawatt-hours in EV charge energy. That’s just to stay on the road! The figure is even higher - over double - in China, with Europe being a midpoint.
Therefore, it is clear that demand for EV charging will increase exponentially by the end of the New 20s. But what are some of the concerns and challenges that ventures are striving to beat ahead of time?
EV Charge Startups and Challenges
In the here and now, EVs are still seen as a minority interest or niche. However, ventures and founders approaching the 2030 crunch will need to think ahead of time. What will our attitudes to charging points be like in just over eight years?
One of the most significant issues is infrastructure planning. We are looking at a massive change to our infrastructure in a very short space of time. There needs to be serious grid expansion to provide enough energy and enough points across the country (and worldwide).
Some ventures, therefore, may help to make accessibility across the infrastructure wider. Even now, planners are dependent on emerging technology to help set up and unlock basic charging points.
Another concern, of course, is the speed of charging. At present, it can take between 30 minutes and half a day to charge an EV. Companies such as Ample, based in San Francisco, are working on cutting this time significantly.
Partnering with cab-hailing juggernauts Uber, Ample’s goal is to make EV charging points as efficient as filling up with gas. You’d simply be able to plug and go. As demand increases, so will queues and backlogs - it’s a critical challenge to face before things get too slow.
Other ventures, meanwhile, focus on developing batteries and related technology, such as StoreDot. Battery efficiency is another key to the puzzle of charging necessity and availability.
What is most interesting about charge planning for EV is that now is the time to act. 2030 seems like an age away - but for innovators in this niche, every second counts.
Databases such as Fundz may interest those dabbling in the field - as well as competing in it. EV and charging innovations are hot properties in the here and now.